For those of us who would want to score on a regular basis, we must be armed with knowledge on the 6 sexy parts of women that are massively under appreciated. Most of us men do not notice these parts because we choose not to, or we are just plain blind even though we are more visual than our feminine counterparts.
The Eyes.
Yes you have heard it said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and it's these kind of sayings that turn men off. It appears too corny and poetic so we tend to avoid commenting or appreciating our ladies eyes. However, comment on them at the right moment and your own eyes will get a treat later on, wink! wink!
The Hair.
The hair of every lady is definitely something we men should appreciate more. In fact, ladies spend tons of time in the salon and making up their hair, in the hope of picking up one nice comment or two. But men often fail to do this and thus pass up an opportunity to get closer to the lady of their dreams. Rule of thumb is, give a great comment on the hair, score bigtime!
Their Arms.
Believe it or not many women, no matter how skinny they are, will always think that they are fat. A quick and appreciative comment on how slender their arms are with a quick “non creepy” squeeze on their arms will let you receive massive brownie points. Try it today!
Their Nails.
Just like their hair, many women spend tons of time manicuring their nails. Make sure that your comment is genuine and specific. Show that you appreciate that they have just had a manicure or pedicure done and focus on how dainty their toes and fingers look. Now just sit back and wait for comments on how appreciative and observant you are!
Their Necks.
Women’s clothes are cut to highlight not only their breasts but their necks as well. By commenting on how slender her neck looks and how well it is accentuated by a piece of jewelry, you can expect that your kindness will be reciprocated. Hopefully in bed.
The Feet.
While feet might go unnoticed, many women spend tons of time making sure theirs don't resemble the callused logs of flesh you hide in your Chuck Taylor's. This this is a very sensitive spot for many women so focus on how dainty and lithe her feet are. Avoid the words "big, gnarly, and ugly" when talking about her feet. Actually avoid those words when talking about any part of a woman.
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